2019 Biënale Brabant

In 2019 B-art was allowed to participate for the second time in the beautiful Biënale Brabant of Van Loon Galleries in collaboration with Royals & Rebels. This time in his own hometown: Tilburg. The Biennale is an experience exhibition with special art and lighting. From paintings to sculptures and from photography to glass sculptures. A unique world; exclusive, grand and compelling. This year too, the organization has succeeded in showing more than 23,000 visitors a wide selection of art from more than 40 surprising artists. Various activities were organized around the exhibition and there was collaboration with schools and associations from the region. Various theme and networking evenings have been organized together with sponsors.
Date: 8-11-2019 until 24-11-2019
Location: Koepelhal Tilburg (NL)
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